mm... so hot!
make me sweat,,,
on my school...
my friends make some kreatification with make handfan...
from paper which by university promotion in my school
they wrap that cataloge and make it more function...

Nb; thx for binus univ. for help us to make our fan and make us better coldy.
thx for trendsetter who's first have that idea.
but now...thx for trendsetter who's first have that idea.
is rainny day!!!!!!!
water wet makassar!!!
for a long time i waiting for rain...
thx god....
owh... i remember that.
today is grand final Keker Futsal Competition...
mmm... i can't come coz.. the place,"GOR sudiang" is so far from my house...
whish my school be winner today...
this morning there are carnaval from alumni on my school...
so interesting....
there are handsome man who ride matic motorcycle>>tinininuninu.....
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