wow! my brother had just asked me to watch this video....
i like her voice, i like her clothes and her skin.. hhe..
check this out guys....
and this one!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
princesses sister Closet
woohoo... last Sunday (that means yesterday) i was boring, and then I've got idea to asking my sister to do something insane..hhii...
mmm... fist of all, i will introduce my the only one big sister...
MILKA Azikin
and here they are the insane things that we have done yesterday...hhi..
enjoy it!
Princesses of Azikin familly :D
Princesses in black fairy tale ^,^

*look into my arms... isn't cute? hhe...
Princesses in spoil casual
*both of the doll is my gift from 18 and 19 bday! from my friends.
thank you my friends..
Princesses of joy beach
* hhe.. my sista call it beach theme
Princeses Kartini :)

*hoila! this is it! we are.. generation of Kartin...hhi.. it's Kebaya time! mm.. i mix my kebaya with my cut down legging, how's it looks?
Princess ethnic

* in daily life, i use that tube top for skirt...hhe..
oyah! we've join aha moments!
hhe.. just for fun!
here is our aha expression...

mmm... fist of all, i will introduce my the only one big sister...
MILKA Azikin
and here they are the insane things that we have done yesterday...hhi..
enjoy it!
Princesses of Azikin familly :D
Princesses in black fairy tale ^,^

*look into my arms... isn't cute? hhe...
Princesses in spoil casual
*both of the doll is my gift from 18 and 19 bday! from my friends.
thank you my friends..
Princesses of joy beach
* hhe.. my sista call it beach theme
Princeses Kartini :)

*hoila! this is it! we are.. generation of Kartin...hhi.. it's Kebaya time! mm.. i mix my kebaya with my cut down legging, how's it looks?
Princess ethnic

* in daily life, i use that tube top for skirt...hhe..
oyah! we've join aha moments!
hhe.. just for fun!
here is our aha expression...

nb: actually my sista forbiden me to upload all of her photo.. sstttt!! she's in work now..hhii..
Sunday, June 13, 2010
dramatically sweet
mm.. today i have been finished my exam for college for the second time.. oh, God, i wish i pass that test this time.. *expectantly
for now, i just need your prayers for me that i will pass... aminn... thank you for you all! :* especially my dear Family and my lovely friends.
mmm.. got a good news today.. alhamdulillah ya Allah.. make my rode to success currentlly.. amin..
mm.. today i have been finished my exam for college for the second time.. oh, God, i wish i pass that test this time.. *expectantly
for now, i just need your prayers for me that i will pass... aminn... thank you for you all! :* especially my dear Family and my lovely friends.
mmm.. got a good news today.. alhamdulillah ya Allah.. make my rode to success currentlly.. amin..
this is it.. my recent style.. i call it dramatically sweet..hhe..
i've got new skirt from my cousin, i love it, isn't it cute?
my mom said that the skirt is too short, but, i think not too short because it exactly on top of my knees. what do you think?
and, look at my hair, :D i wave it down by my self >,< neferfertiti shop another stuff is old collection..hhe..
NB: like it? thanks! hate it? click 'x' on the right corner of this window!
*click photo to make it more big...
Ladys in crime!
for this last couple week,i have been training in the office for complete my last study in diploma 1
but.. some day i feel bored and i decide to went to my friendship house,,, just wanna waste the time while sharing a little problem with her..
then, after all thing we have done to share, suddenly we got an idea to take a picture together..hhe
mmm, just for ur info guys, i'm not a smoker! even those Picture that u'll see i hold a cigarette.. believe me it was an acting! :D
mmm, just for ur info guys, i'm not a smoker! even those Picture that u'll see i hold a cigarette.. believe me it was an acting! :D
mm.. on Wednesday I'll have a exam for enter the college, well i have to continue my study. wish me luck to pass in my first choice guys! ur wish is very needed and help!
so that i've to study in this couple days... stop to browsing and onlining over time. may be just checking twitter and facebook in once.
oya! this mouth is time for FIFA WORLD CUP SOUTH AFRICA 2010
for the matches! Open--> FIFA World Cup South Africa
even i didn't know much about football... i just love the song that shakira sing!
"Tsamina mina eh eh..Waka waka eh eh..Tsamina mina zangalewa.."
'it's time for Africa'
my fact: the things that i know about foot ball---> just if the ball came into the goal that meant we got the point..hhe!
the question iss... when the time for INDONESIA???
just funny to see Indonesian supporting other country team..hhe...
i think will be more exclaimed if we support our own country, isn't it?
may be on the world cop we can do it soon!
watch this! just love the song and dance!
just funny to see Indonesian supporting other country team..hhe...
i think will be more exclaimed if we support our own country, isn't it?
may be on the world cop we can do it soon!
watch this! just love the song and dance!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
SAVE Palestine!

oh, my God! i can't believe what were they (Israel) do... what were they feel when they attacked Innocent people in Palestine, especially children in Palestine, everyone has been knows that they don't know everything about the war, but why the Israel soldiers with a nasty treat them like that... why they can't stop the war? is it the sign of the doomsday? argh! i don't know.. actually I've many more that i wanna said, but.. suddenly blank when i watch this video.. really speechless.
i just can pray to the god... SAVE PALESTINE!!! SAVE PALESTINIAN!
nb: if u like it... please help... wish around the world save from war.. stop all war..


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