i was wake up and get up from my slept dream.my brother geted me up with panic situation and told me and my mom that the hause behind our house ( our neighbor house) was fire.
oh My God! i was very scared about that, i for fear my house join fire to....
"hurry up!!! seve your valuable stuff!" my mom voice audible.
i was save my diploma, my money saving, and my home work at school. my mom save her pilgrim stuff, half of her finery, her money and her bag. my brother and my home people di it too.

my brother up to the roof to hose down the fire house with water, to keep our house to not to get fire too. i try to call the fireman... it was busy... and no one hang it up the phone...and onetime they hang it and my mom keep the phone an said "helllow!!! fireman!!!please hurry up go here!! there is fire house!!!hurry up!!! 8*3*6*8(my phone number)!!! hurry Up!!!
its was plight condition... i feel shaky,afraid and shy at that time."god...please..help me!!". my mom said,"God plese give me rain!!"
suddenly,light rain happened,,,"alhamdulullah". my brother still waste the water into the fire and i keep our stuff and house from thief.
04.00 AM
i hear firemans's car sound form enough far away...
team of fireman came...
one of their car park in front of my house. fire fighter try to fight the fire. i just can pray, and pray to god,, i was sms my friends to asked them for help me with invoke them pray. 30 minutes after that, gradual the fire dead...

04.45 AM
my mom at once go to prayed to God....
down come and i prayed tooo...
say thanks to god.....
i at ease enough, but still shaky, shoocking soda!
at early morning, i was visit the house which was fire.. how pitied it...all items in that house was sandbank. nothing save..the second haouse too, but just a half of that..
hhhuuufffhhh!!! I EVER get this condition in my live... it's make me scared to stay alone in my hause...
thank you very very much to my GOD and firefighter..
make me wanna sing...
fireman save my house!!
fighting fire...
trying to save my house
here they come in long time...
the firefighter!!!
(sing it with powerpuff end theme melody)
fighting fire...
trying to save my house
here they come in long time...
the firefighter!!!
(sing it with powerpuff end theme melody)
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