my friends just post it in youtube...
this song is really remembering me to them.. XOXO >.<
alert! harap maklum.. model, pengedit dan sebaginya masih pemula...hhe..
this is our group page HMA
nb: like it? click play... hate it? just click close
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
posting kali ini ng pake english2an...
lagi malas...
di posting ini hanya akan membahas tentang... LEBARAN...
maafkan saya ya.. kalau ada salah.. semua jenis salah, apa pun itu.. saya rasa saya khilaf melakukannya.. hhihhi...
lebaran tahun ini.. seperti lebaran tahun kemarin, saya sholat ied fitrinya di kampung saya. di daerah kabupaten Bulukumba, tempat bapak saya dilahirkan. hampir saja ekye lebaran di kampung orang.. alhamdulillah bisa lebaran bersama keluarga.. dan.. ekye jadinya mudik dua kali dongs..hhiii. ini dia gambar waktu sebelum sholat ied dilaksanakan... ambil poto'' dulu dongsss..
lagi malas...
di posting ini hanya akan membahas tentang... LEBARAN...
maafkan saya ya.. kalau ada salah.. semua jenis salah, apa pun itu.. saya rasa saya khilaf melakukannya.. hhihhi...
lebaran tahun ini.. seperti lebaran tahun kemarin, saya sholat ied fitrinya di kampung saya. di daerah kabupaten Bulukumba, tempat bapak saya dilahirkan. hampir saja ekye lebaran di kampung orang.. alhamdulillah bisa lebaran bersama keluarga.. dan.. ekye jadinya mudik dua kali dongs..hhiii. ini dia gambar waktu sebelum sholat ied dilaksanakan... ambil poto'' dulu dongsss..
1. semoga masih bisa bertemu ramadhan taun depan dan tahun-tahun berikutnya bersama seluruh keluarga lengkap.(amin)
2. seluruh keluarga murah rezeki, sehat wal afiat, dan panjang umur.(amin)
3. semua keluarga dan teman-teman makin sayang sama ekye. tidak ada yang benci.(amin)
4. bisa beradaptasi dengan baik di lingkungan baru. (amin)
5. berprestasi di kampus biar bisa bikin orang tua bangga (amin)
6. jadi sadar harus sholat 5 waktu tanpa bolong-bolong. (amin)
7. jerawat tolong ENYAH saja dari wajah.. (amin)
8. pokoknya semua mi yang terbaik untuk saya dan keluarga deh .. (amin..amin)
mau ngomong apa lagi di'?
itu mi saja lah.. sudah ngantuk.. maklum skarang sudah jam 01.52 a.m
eh, saya menemukan gambar ini di google.. lucu deh.. jaman skarang bgt..hhiii..
1. semoga masih bisa bertemu ramadhan taun depan dan tahun-tahun berikutnya bersama seluruh keluarga lengkap.(amin)
2. seluruh keluarga murah rezeki, sehat wal afiat, dan panjang umur.(amin)
3. semua keluarga dan teman-teman makin sayang sama ekye. tidak ada yang benci.(amin)
4. bisa beradaptasi dengan baik di lingkungan baru. (amin)
5. berprestasi di kampus biar bisa bikin orang tua bangga (amin)
6. jadi sadar harus sholat 5 waktu tanpa bolong-bolong. (amin)
7. jerawat tolong ENYAH saja dari wajah.. (amin)
8. pokoknya semua mi yang terbaik untuk saya dan keluarga deh .. (amin..amin)
foto ku sama ibku ku... wetz.. akting2 nya dong...hhaha...
mau ngomong apa lagi di'?
itu mi saja lah.. sudah ngantuk.. maklum skarang sudah jam 01.52 a.m
eh, saya menemukan gambar ini di google.. lucu deh.. jaman skarang bgt..hhiii..
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
yes.. this is life!
okey.. hey.. i'm sorry for not updating my blog about 2 month.. that was busy day! busy for registering to my next education... I've been registered in UNHAS (again) for medical(again), nutrition and management faculty, IPDN, and STKS...
but... i didn't pass SNMPTN for UH (again) :'( how stupid am i?. but, it's like to as hurt as last year..hhe. then.. i've accepted in STKS---> college of social wefare.. mmm... happy.. but my big target after medical faculty is IPDN... so, like i will waiting for that...
uuww... unfortunately, i can't waiting for that :( because the depature day was faster than my announcement in there...
defenselessly, i take that collenge with a long story that i can't share here... :(
okey... here there my lil bit story about my journey to my new college...
20/07/2010 ---> the announcement (if i not mistaken) thank you ALLAH SWT for Your gift, i only can said thank to You nothing can show my happiness except said thank you to ALLAH SWT
23/07/2010 ---> extrication
27/07/2010 ---> i went to airport, before, i didn't feel the sadness.. but, in the second by second that I've to leave, dunno why, i really-really fell that sadness.. sad because i have to leave my family and all my close friends for not a short time. i even can't answer my best friends called because i worried i will cry like a baby. and not just that, i wouldn't see my mom and my dad's face, because it will makes my tears drop and it's embarrassing for me. so, sorry for my parents if i like uncared to u..
tada.... welcome to the new town in the new dormitory.. it's really my hard time to accept all the rules and all the new thing that i have to do.. akh! drove me crazy...
28-30/07/2010 ---> preparing for my orientation school PPI (program pengenalan institusi) you know what?? i speend my money almost a million for three days.. i'm not a really rich fot that.. things that i have to bought: *bucket *blanket *bed clothes *pants *any kind of food and snacks *and many more (forget)
01/08/2010 ---> pra PPI, to do: all the weird things for PPI tomorrow.. grr...
02/08/2010 ---> this is the start of the hellness days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's happened for 3 days, and while that days.. i just can sleep about 4 to 5 hour a day..wew! it's terrible!!!! the things that make me soo drop is not about what is committee do to me... angrily, speak loudly to us.. is not effect anymore for me.. just about a rest time... oh God.. i cant handdle my sleepiness... it's make me cry! (embarrassing)
6-9/08/2010 ---> LATSAR PB (lastihan dasar penanggulangan bencana). like basic exercise for disaster. i cant explain more.. it just like the basic training for help the victim of disaster.. but for me.. it's for tanning my skin into more darker...ukh! at two day's first they teach the theory and the last to days we went to a some kind of canp part in kiara payung .. fiuh.. difficult to sleep tightly, difficult to went to toilet and even i didn't take a bath since PPI to LATSAR... ow.. no, i have take a bath once...
10-12/08/2010 ---> and when i comeback to dormitory,,, you know what??? it's continue with orientation of dormitorry...aaggghhh!!!!! to tired to do it all... :((((( it's really drove me insane! bt.. i have to pass it!!! while that we have to reregistered for lecturer..
13/08/2010 ---> TA'ARUF__> ramandhan schooling.. i enjoyed it enough because i have 2 days for take a rest and even it slacken enough.. it's happen for two days..
all of that.. need good mental and physic.. more patiently
wew! many more story until today... later insya Allah i'll tell u more about my dormitory, my seniorita, my new friends and my lecturer...
finally when the day of lecturer... they are my classmate from SULSEL..
on my right__> my senior.. she's my room mate and three girls above me is my friend my left is my room mate too.
they're my class mate...
half of my dormitory mate from SULSEL..
many more picture.. but i'll show u later... i've got lil dizzy now for sharing more to u all...
last sentence...
but... i didn't pass SNMPTN for UH (again) :'( how stupid am i?. but, it's like to as hurt as last year..hhe. then.. i've accepted in STKS---> college of social wefare.. mmm... happy.. but my big target after medical faculty is IPDN... so, like i will waiting for that...
uuww... unfortunately, i can't waiting for that :( because the depature day was faster than my announcement in there...
defenselessly, i take that collenge with a long story that i can't share here... :(
okey... here there my lil bit story about my journey to my new college...
20/07/2010 ---> the announcement (if i not mistaken) thank you ALLAH SWT for Your gift, i only can said thank to You nothing can show my happiness except said thank you to ALLAH SWT
23/07/2010 ---> extrication
27/07/2010 ---> i went to airport, before, i didn't feel the sadness.. but, in the second by second that I've to leave, dunno why, i really-really fell that sadness.. sad because i have to leave my family and all my close friends for not a short time. i even can't answer my best friends called because i worried i will cry like a baby. and not just that, i wouldn't see my mom and my dad's face, because it will makes my tears drop and it's embarrassing for me. so, sorry for my parents if i like uncared to u..
tada.... welcome to the new town in the new dormitory.. it's really my hard time to accept all the rules and all the new thing that i have to do.. akh! drove me crazy...
28-30/07/2010 ---> preparing for my orientation school PPI (program pengenalan institusi) you know what?? i speend my money almost a million for three days.. i'm not a really rich fot that.. things that i have to bought: *bucket *blanket *bed clothes *pants *any kind of food and snacks *and many more (forget)
01/08/2010 ---> pra PPI, to do: all the weird things for PPI tomorrow.. grr...
02/08/2010 ---> this is the start of the hellness days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's happened for 3 days, and while that days.. i just can sleep about 4 to 5 hour a day..wew! it's terrible!!!! the things that make me soo drop is not about what is committee do to me... angrily, speak loudly to us.. is not effect anymore for me.. just about a rest time... oh God.. i cant handdle my sleepiness... it's make me cry! (embarrassing)
6-9/08/2010 ---> LATSAR PB (lastihan dasar penanggulangan bencana). like basic exercise for disaster. i cant explain more.. it just like the basic training for help the victim of disaster.. but for me.. it's for tanning my skin into more darker...ukh! at two day's first they teach the theory and the last to days we went to a some kind of canp part in kiara payung .. fiuh.. difficult to sleep tightly, difficult to went to toilet and even i didn't take a bath since PPI to LATSAR... ow.. no, i have take a bath once...
10-12/08/2010 ---> and when i comeback to dormitory,,, you know what??? it's continue with orientation of dormitorry...aaggghhh!!!!! to tired to do it all... :((((( it's really drove me insane! bt.. i have to pass it!!! while that we have to reregistered for lecturer..
13/08/2010 ---> TA'ARUF__> ramandhan schooling.. i enjoyed it enough because i have 2 days for take a rest and even it slacken enough.. it's happen for two days..
all of that.. need good mental and physic.. more patiently
wew! many more story until today... later insya Allah i'll tell u more about my dormitory, my seniorita, my new friends and my lecturer...
finally when the day of lecturer... they are my classmate from SULSEL..
on my right__> my senior.. she's my room mate and three girls above me is my friend my left is my room mate too.
they're my class mate...
half of my dormitory mate from SULSEL..
many more picture.. but i'll show u later... i've got lil dizzy now for sharing more to u all...
last sentence...
-Happy Idul Fitri-
forgive all my mistakes
love u... muach!
forgive all my mistakes
love u... muach!
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