that was Pemilu....
anything else???
that was my 18th birthday!!!
there is nothing special...
at the morning i wake up...
my family said: "hey... come on, wake up... happy birthday!!"
but i was still in my bed... cz i was still sleepy...
when i was get up about ten in the morning...
i take my phone.. and smile look at my friends short massage, that all just wanna say happy birthday...
but, cz my old phone was missing, so not every my friends know my new number.
just about ten until fiveteen sms i get...
but i was happy!
my mom asked me to go with her in hospital for visited some family...
after that...
i open internet....
open my facebook...
and tada...
i was so glad so see my wall...
that was full of saying ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
thank's for u all...
i look into my grafitty box, there is grafitty saying happy birthday to...
thanks friends!!
(they send me grafitty cz i was ask them. hheeehe)
ila draw:

yow w'll see it all???
open my FB...
mail draw:

Funny draw:

rina draw:
not like my birthday before...
there is nothing gift....
there is nothing party...
my wishes..
i will..
*be better person*
*pass my final exam with high score... it will be my best gift*
* be dilligent to pray*
*get my Prince Charming..wkk!*
*get a good college*
*make my parents happy and glad to me*
*still have a good friends like i had now and before*
*yah... all of them, i will get all the best for me*
i hope it all will come true...thanks to:
- MY GOD... for make me still live in my eighteen years old-
-My family... for eighteen years with me-
-my friends... for making my live more colorfull-
-My friends... who give me draw grafitty.. say happy birtday in wall or sms-
-My teacher... for teach me in school, course atc..-
-all people in my live-
-and you-
dag tau ka graviti jadi dag ku gambarkan koo
adwh.. ng apa ji...:p
yang penting tedy bearnya...hhahay!!!
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