i'm turning 19th now...
oow.. feel old.. but, never mind... still teenagers isn't it? :D
that was so many happy birthday greetings... always feel happy if see there's a new massage that will saying happy bday rifkaa!!! and happy to see my notification in facebook and my mention in twitter that said the same thing too...
thank you for every body who has been send me that... muah..muah..
here they are the HB greetings in facebook and twitter..

and, i really surprise with the gift from my lovely fulgoso girl..hhe.. because i didn't expected the gift from them.. thankyou sista... :DD
and didn't have prepare to treat them all...hhe...

BTW... here they are my top 10 birthday wishes... :D
actually most of them was my wish in last year...hhe..
wish me luck ya!!!!!
cia yo!!!!!
that was so many happy birthday greetings... always feel happy if see there's a new massage that will saying happy bday rifkaa!!! and happy to see my notification in facebook and my mention in twitter that said the same thing too...
thank you for every body who has been send me that... muah..muah..
here they are the HB greetings in facebook and twitter..

and, i really surprise with the gift from my lovely fulgoso girl..hhe.. because i didn't expected the gift from them.. thankyou sista... :DD
and didn't have prepare to treat them all...hhe...

BTW... here they are my top 10 birthday wishes... :D
1. for the first wishes, i really..really wish and hope and expected i pass the test of my dream university and in my dream faculty. amin :)
2. i wish i can make my friends and my family especially my parents proud of me.
3. have a lot of friends like them.. (my lolypussy and fulgoso2) hhi... >just me and them know who they are..hhe..
4. for the fourth is fad wish... i hope my face will free from acne forever..hha...
6.be more better person than before
7.got less sad and more smile and happy
8.be useful person..
9. for the nineth... it's about thing..
* camera slr


2. i wish i can make my friends and my family especially my parents proud of me.
3. have a lot of friends like them.. (my lolypussy and fulgoso2) hhi... >just me and them know who they are..hhe..
4. for the fourth is fad wish... i hope my face will free from acne forever..hha...
6.be more better person than before
7.got less sad and more smile and happy
8.be useful person..
9. for the nineth... it's about thing..
* camera slr


10.happily ever after....hhe..
that was top ten of many my wish in my mind..hheactually most of them was my wish in last year...hhe..
wish me luck ya!!!!!
cia yo!!!!!