yesterday was so wonder full day for me...
we share, lough, smile, sing, eat, watching movie, walking, and many more things that we done together. and the more important are... that's all free..hhhah.. to many bday even pass.. and that day is the time to pay it. the people who's treat us... firda sari,reza mustafa, rais, arsyi adlina and eka utami. happy brithday to u all and thank's. another people who make the day are ismail tarebbang, miftah khaerati, mucha, rina budiarti, ismi irfianty, rizky amalia, and iffah. it was very happy day.
i start from home at 11 a.m and first went to miftah's house bacouse i don't want to be alone went to the mall.hhe, thank's to her to allowed me went to her house first. then, we went to watching AVATAR. that was my second time to watched it. but more fun with them.
then, we was got hungry and diciding to search any food and the choice down to steak in OBONK! after that,, was time to keroke timee!!! we went to ORANGE hme fam karoke... we was sing about 2 hour and guess what did we do??? take a lot of picture! super yeay!

many more photos but i can't up load it.. hard.. sorry..
after that we was seberated to went home but, me, mail, miftah, and eka. went to miftah's house agin for take the photo's shoot.. suddenly we was hungry and decides to went to ATI raja, but not our lucky the resto was closed and we change it to got a small pieces of meat roasted on skewer in besides mesjid raya.. enough yummie!
i wear a pink blouse with a beads in the chest and black balloon skirt and black dragnet shoes
mmh, but my calf is too big and looks have muscled like a football player..hhuhhhu...
then, we went home and i hate that part..hhe..
NB: i hope every body has a wonderfull day too... and happy xmas day for u guys who celebrate it!
oya.. i'm thinking to make my blog into a fashion kuliner blog... what di u think???