Thursday, October 14, 2010

dormitory crazy lazy style...

hey yo...
now.. i'm living at girls dormitory STKS bandung... wew... it's hard to adaptation.. in here, i have to do all things by my self and life with another strange people that i just meet them here.. but they're nice enough.. 0:)
on college's foodcourt...

rock the mall... wif ninis ,ida ,k'tami and k'mona .. nice to hangout wif them.. thank u sisters..

it's a yummy mini ice cream.. rp.10 rb @5 cone

oya.. i've been join in stks chorus.. even my voice is not to melodious, i breve my self to join..hhaha... here we are from sulawesi choir

this one a mad thing that i've do with ninis... hha... use all her accessories in the bed time..hhe..

bubble anywhere and lollypops...... kids play but still teenager favorite..

that's it for now.. many things else i wanna share with u.. but. seems like the wifi not on the mood, the signal is too low too continue it... so... if u like it.. write ur comment, if not.. close it!